Team Review

3 min readDec 1, 2020

I was not the captain for the team but thought I would write a quick review for the team for the fun of it.

Our team consisted of Bernard, M., Penumbra, Diddi 2.0 and me (the mannliest of menn). Our team started the season really well and I think we may have had the highest mmr average in division 3. We won a majority of our games and any game we did lose we felt we could have won it with a bit better play. As the season went on, we had a few problems which ultimately lead to the death of our team (it was fun while it lasted)

I’ll try to keep my player reviews off what happened with the team and focus on how everyone was playing

Bernard Humperdink (Pos 4 / Captain)

If anyone has not played with Bernard they would probably think he’s just a low mmr scrub who doesn’t know how to play the game but those who have played with him probably know this is true but love playing with him anyway. Bernard turned up to every game we had with the other team fully scouted and a plan I would hate to be used on me. Pick the other team’s best player and ban every hero they play. Bernard’s clockwork carried a lot of our games (When I was not blocking his hooks) and spirit breaker kept our opponents grouped as 5 the whole game. It was honestly great playing with Bernard, you rarely get to play with a player who is constantly trying to improve and listens to what people are asking him to do and actually trying to do it. If you told me his mmr after playing with him I wouldn’t believe you

Penumbra (Pos 1)

Penumbra was our carry and if I remember correctly the highest mmr player in Div 3 and he definitely played like it. In lane he told me exactly what he wanted from me which was great cause then I didn’t have to think during lane which is probably my worst stage of the game. His PA and weaver were always a pleasure to watch and having deathless games were not uncommon. He was a very solid carry player and I hope he goes on to do great things.

M. (Pos 2)

M. plays way above his mmr. He was a great mid player and his performances on Snapfire were great fun to be in the game with. For our first few games everything was great with the team but in the later ones M. was not able to be in the discord calls which wasn’t helpful. Overall good player but maybe did not fit on great on the team.

Diddi 2.0 (Pos 3)

I think I could say without a doubt Diddi was our MVP on the team. Rarely do you see someone control the entire timing of the entire game so consistently. When asked did he play magnus he said he wasn’t a magnus player then proceeded to play a magnus that would have made Arise blush. Whether he was on Slardar or mars he controlled the entire game and never left us wanting more initiation. Diddi would be a top tier pick for any team and his shot calling won us many a game.

Me (MannlyMann Pos 5)
Not much to say about me. I missed one game because I had to do a COVID-19 test cause my plays were too sick. Shame the test came negative. I honestly enjoyed my games with the team and for some reason they let me play my first game of snap fire in an official match (Don’t worry we won). I’ll probably end up playing another in the future but might take a break for a bit.

